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Notice of the 6th collagen Industry Forum


Collagen industry forum is an annual event of collagen industry in China jointly organized by Guangdong Medical Device Management Association and Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and development center. The medical collagen industry forum has been successfully held for five times, and its influence has been expanding from the initial medical device field to the whole health field. From the initial domestic exchange, it has tried to build an international exchange platform.

At the 5th collagen industry forum, Professor Cui fuzhai, director Wang Chunren, director Shi Yanping, researcher Zhang Guifeng and Australian expert Helmut More than ten experts and scholars, including Thissen, shared their views on the current new research and breakthrough of collagen industry at home and abroad, as well as the national industrial planning and supervision of collagen products, and the application of collagen in cosmetics, food and health care products. The collagen Industry Forum gathers experts, scholars and enterprises in the collagen industry at home and abroad, aiming to provide a professional exchange platform for collagen technology exchange, focus on the collagen industry laws and regulations, share new products, new technologies and new processes in the industry, so as to standardize the collagen market order, promote the vigorous development of the collagen industry, and lead the development of the collagen industry Direction.

In order to further enhance the influence of the forum, exchange with collagen industry and master the latest research trends of collagen industry, the sixth collagen industry forum, jointly organized by Guangdong Medical Device Management Association and Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and development center, and undertaken by Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd., will be held in Guangzhou on November 10 and 11, 2018. This forum will invite experts from all fields of collagen industry to make keynote speeches, and organize experts from law, clinical, scientific research and industry to participate in the interactive exchange of the industry, and fully explore the development trend, opportunities and challenges of collagen industry under the current situation.

We sincerely invite you to attend this grand gathering and look forward to meeting you in beautiful Yangcheng!

The arrangement of this collagen industry forum is as follows:

1、 Time and place of the meeting

Time: November 10, 2018 (all day) - November 11, 2018 (morning)

Venue: Guangzhou

2、 Organizer

Sponsor: Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and Development Center

Organizer: Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd

3、 Chairman of the Forum

President: Professor Cui fuzhai

Vice President: Professor Fan Daidi

Professor Zhang Guifeng

4、 Main contents of the Forum

The application trend, opportunity and challenge of collagen in the field of general health.

5、 Delegates

L Enterprises: representatives of enterprises that develop, produce and operate collagen products or related upstream and downstream industries;

L scientific research and regulatory institutions: representatives of universities, scientific research institutes, inspection institutions and regulatory agencies engaged in basic or applied research on collagen and related fields;

L medical institutions: medical staff and representatives of institutions providing medical and health consultation services;

People from all walks of life: people from all walks of life who are interested in collagen and related industries.

6、 Forum registration

1. Forum registration fee

Categories of delegates        Registration fee

General representative          RMB 1000 / person

Member representative         RMB 800 / person

(1) The organizer will provide conference materials, lunch and tea break on November 10 and 11. The expenses of dinner, accommodation and transportation during the meeting shall be borne by themselves.

(2) Member representatives refer to the representatives of members of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association. Units in Guangdong Province can register as members of the society. The registration process can be accessed on the official website of the association( )Query.

2. Free places

(1) Guangdong medical device management association director or above: each unit has 1 free quota;

(2) Teachers from universities and research institutes: each teacher can arrange 2 students to attend the meeting free of charge (please bring your student ID card to report in).

3. Registration method

(1) mode 1: pay attention to the WeChat official account "collagen forum" and fill in the relevant contents of "registration pre registration" in the "registration service".

(2) Method 2: fill in the application receipt (see the attachment) and send it to: 。

4. Payment method

Account Name: Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Account No.: 4405015900430000348

Bank of deposit: Tianhe Science Park Branch, Guangzhou high tech Zone, CCB

Note: please transfer the conference fee to the above account, and make sure to indicate in the postscript column:

(collagen Forum) unit + name of participants

7、 Consultation

Secretary of the meeting: Yang Qiaoqiao

Tel: 020-32211406-8055

thirteen billion seventy-eight million eight hundred and fifty-five thousand and seventy-eight

Annex 1:

             Application receipt


             Invoice information

full name          position          contact information          e-mail          Do you need assistance in booking accommodation

Annex 2:

              Meeting schedule (subject to the final version published by the conference)

date                                              time                                                   technological process

                                                08:30~09:00                                                        Sign in

                                                09:00~09:30                                     Opening ceremony of the Forum

first day                                   09:30~12:00                                                     Theme report

                                                12:00~13:30                                             Lunch and lunch break

                                                13:30~16:00                                                     Theme report

                                                16:00~17:30                                     Industry interaction and exchange

                                                09:00~11:20                                                     Theme report

                                                11:20~12:20                                                   Open discussion

the second day                       12:20~12:30                                     Closing ceremony of the Forum

                                                12:30~13:30                                                         lunch