Company Media

Notice of the 7th collagen Industry Forum


        In recent years, the innovative research of collagen has attracted much attention, and the innovative application of collagen has been emerging. After six sessions of the forum, it has become a platform for exchange of experience with collagen industry. The 7th collagen industry forum with the theme of "inheritance and innovation of collagen industry" will be held in Guangzhou from November 28 to 29, 2019.

       This forum focuses on the sustainable development of collagen industry, including the innovative application of collagen in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, medical devices, drug controlled release, cell therapy and bioreactor, as well as expert consensus on collagen materials. The forum was jointly sponsored by Guangdong Medical Device Management Association and Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and development center.

      We sincerely invite you to attend this grand event!



1、 Time and place of the meeting

Time: November 28, 2019 (all day) - November 29, 2019 (morning)

Venue: Guangzhou Science City - Guangzhou jade Hilton Hotel (No.28, Ningcai Road, Science City Central District, Huangpu District, Guangzhou)

2、 Organizer and Chairman

Sponsor: Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and Development Center

Chairman: Professor Cui fuzhai

Executive Chairman: Professor Zhang Guifeng

3、 Conference theme

Seek the inheritance and innovation development of collagen industry

The topics to be reported include:

(1) Research progress and application of collagen cell interaction;

(2) The application of collagen in tissue engineering;

(3) The application of collagen in the surface modification of biomaterials;

(4) Research progress of innovative manufacturing in collagen preparation;

(5) Expert consensus on the quality evaluation of medical collagen;

(6) Key points of technical review and operation of quality management system;

(7) Research Progress on innovative application of collagen in medical field.

4、 Agenda



Register for duty


The opening ceremony


Theme report




Thematic report / discussion



Thematic report / discussion




5、 Registration of meetings

(1). Registration fee

Categories of delegates

Registration fee

General representative


Member representative of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association


Representatives of units above the board of directors of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Two free places

Students who follow experts and teachers from universities and scientific research institutes

Two teachers per student

(valid Student ID card is required when checking in)

(1) During the meeting, the organizer provides: conference materials and lunch during the meeting.

(2) During the meeting, the expenses of dinner, accommodation and transportation shall be borne by themselves.

(3) Units in Guangdong Province can be registered as members of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association, and the registration process can be accessed on the official website of the association( )Query.

2. Registration method

(1) Click "read the original" at the bottom of this page to sign up.

(2) scan the bottom two dimensional code, pay attention to the WeChat public "collagen forum", click on "official account" in the "registration" to get relevant information.


(3) Fill in the application receipt (see attachment) and send it to: 。

3. Payment method

Please remit the training fee through corporate transfer in advance, and remark "(collagen Forum) unit + participant name".

Account Name: Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Account No.: 4405015900430000348

Bank of deposit: Tianhe Science Park Branch, Guangzhou high tech Zone, CCB

6、 Contact person

Deng Lina: 020-32211406 to 8877137-1957-7273

Zhang danxuan: 020-32211406 to 8512188-1926-2249

Lu zhe: 020 ~ 66602825

报名回执.doc    Application receipt.doc