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Brief introduction of Guangdong Medical Collagen Engineering Technology Research and Development Center

  Guangdong Collagen Engineering Technology Research and Development Center for Medical Use is a provincial engineering technology RESEARCH and development center relying on Guangzhou Chuang Er Biotechnology Co., LTD., which was approved by Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology in 2012 and passed the acceptance inspection in 2015. It is the first provincial engineering center with collagen as its core in Guangdong Province. The center is committed to the research and development of medical collagen production technology and collagen-based products, solving the common key technical problems in this field, promoting the integrated development of the whole industry, and achieving a win-win situation.

      Since its establishment, the center has undertaken 8 national, provincial, municipal and district-level science and technology planning projects. Developed 11 medical device products; 19 patents have been applied for, including 15 invention patents. With the advantage of the leader of the collagen industry in China, Chuang 'er has successfully held 6 collagen industry forums, which have become an important platform to promote the technological innovation, cooperation and exchange of the collagen industry in China.


Engineering center

Medical collagen engineering technology research and development center of guangdong province is set up in 2012, approved by the science &technology department of guangdong province, guangzhou gen's biological technology co., LTD., the construction in guangdong province, is currently the only activity in key manufacturing technology research and development, the achievements of medical collagen and conversion, academic exchanges and cooperation, innovation as the goal of personnel training and the value of the incubation platform.

The centre's functions and development objectives are:

Research and development of the engineering generic key technology of medical collagen, and build the largest active medical collagen production base with the most advanced manufacturing technology in China.

Promote the industrialization of medical collagen materials in the fields of medical biomaterials, medical devices and medical cosmetology;

To build a medical collagen industry technical service and training platform; To upgrade the technology and R&D standards of the industry, and to export high-quality raw materials, products, technologies, services and talents for the industry;

We will gather and train high-level interdisciplinary scientific and technological innovation talents and management talents in the field of "industry-university-Research Medical", so as to enhance industrial technological progress and innovation capability.

At present, the center has trained 35 scientific and technical personnel of various types and 10 high-end professionals. It has held 7 national industrial academic exchange activities and provided raw material supply, technical services and project cooperation for more than 30 scientific research institutions, institutions of higher learning and enterprises in the industry. At present, all aspects of the engineering center are working in the above direction, and it is believed that in the near future, it will surely contribute more to the innovative development of the biomedical collagen industry in China.