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The 7th academic forum of medical collagen industry


Innovation in inheritance this industry elite gathering is hard core!

From November 28 to 29, 2019, the "7th Academic Forum on medical collagen industry" jointly sponsored by Guangdong Medical Device Management Association and Guangdong medical collagen engineering technology research and development center, and undertaken by Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd., was successfully held in beautiful Yangcheng.

The forum, with the core theme of "conspiring for the inheritance and innovation and development of collagen industry", gathered top experts from various fields of collagen industry to make keynote speeches, and attracted more than 200 academic elites and industry leaders from the collagen field to participate in the forum.

Live report from news channel of Guangdong satellite TV

The content focuses on the technical inheritance of collagen based medical device product characterization and expert consensus, as well as the innovative application of collagen in medical device, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and other industries, hoping to seek sustainable development of the industry through ideological collision.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Cui fuzhai, chief expert of biomaterials department, School of materials, Tsinghua University, as chairman of the conference, extended a sincere welcome to the participants.


Professor Cui fuzhai, chief expert of biomaterials office, School of materials, Tsinghua University

Chen JIAYE, deputy director of the administrative licensing department of Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration; Wu Yun, chief engineer of Guangzhou Huangpu District Science and Technology Bureau; Han Guangyuan, President of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association; and Tong Gang, chairman of Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd., delivered opening speeches respectively.


Chen JIAYE, deputy director of administrative licensing department of Guangdong Drug Administration

Chen JIAYE, deputy director of the administrative licensing department of Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration, said: "innovation is the first power to lead the development of the industry. It is hoped that all delegates will make full use of this platform to fully communicate and gather wisdom, seize the current development opportunities, meet the challenges, and constantly innovate; create a good development environment, realize mutual benefit, and jointly promote the progress of medical collagen industry and the high-quality development of related industries. "


Wu Yun, chief engineer of science and Technology Bureau of Huangpu District, Guangzhou

In recent years, biotechnology and health industry have become an important development direction. As the main battlefield for the development of Guangzhou biomedical industry, Guangzhou high tech Zone has built a whole industry chain of "R & D innovation incubation acceleration high end manufacturing industry service".

Wu Yun, chief engineer, said: "the holding of the Academic Forum on medical collagen industry is not only a major event in China's medical collagen industry, but also a happy event in the biomedical field in our region. It is believed that through the joint efforts of the organizers, experts, scholars and enterprises, the forum will become an important platform for cooperation and exchange of collagen industry, and promote the innovation and development of collagen based medical device industry and even biomedical industry. "


Han Guangyuan, President of Guangdong Medical Device Management Association

Since its establishment, Guangdong Medical Device Management Association has been adhering to the purpose of uniting and organizing medical device workers to improve the scientific and technological theory, management level and product quality of medical devices in Guangdong Province.

President Han Guangyuan said: "under the favorable policy environment of encouraging innovation, how to effectively inherit the existing research and industrialization foundation, and form a unified expert consensus or industry standard, so as to enable the industry to achieve high-quality and sustainable development, is an important topic that the industry has to face. It is the responsibility and value of the collagen forum to provide a platform for all sectors of the industry to discuss the important topic of inheritance and innovation. "


Speech by Mr. Tong Gang, chairman of Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Tong Gang, chairman of Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Since its establishment in 2002, chuang'er biological has taken root and sprouted in the field of medical collagen after 17 years of cultivation, and occupies a leading position in the market segment of medical dermatology dressings. Actively promote the innovation and exchange of collagen industry, promote the common development of the whole collagen industry, and even catch up with and surpass foreign countries.


Huang Shurong, general manager of chuang'er biological business department, was interviewed

Chuang'er biology is committed to the multi-dimensional development under the great health layout. With the vision of establishing a century old enterprise, chuang'er biology will continue to uphold the spirit of "innovation and ingenuity", deepen the cooperation between industry, University, research and medicine, and give back to the society with more excellent answers.


Group photo of the whole assembly

The forum also invited representatives of experts from various fields of collagen industry, which brought an academic feast for the participants.

The development trend, opportunities and challenges of collagen industry under the current situation are fully discussed through the participation of experts in regulations, clinical, scientific research and industry.


Wang Chunren, director of China Academy of food and drug control

Report title: key points of quality control of medical devices for medical additive manufacturing

Wang Chunren, director of China Academy of food and drug control, introduced in detail that 3D printing has strict requirements in materials, material additives, printing process, active ingredients or living cells, influence of post-processing on anisotropy and biocompatibility.

At the same time, 3D printing has great potential in medical field. It has strong technical advantages, and has a very broad prospect in complex structures, especially orthopedic implants with porous structures, personalized customized medical devices, and artificial organ printing.


Professor Fan Yujiang, biomaterial Engineering Research Center, Sichuan University

Topic: collagen based repair and repair materials for joint system - hydrogel materials

Professor Fan Yujiang of biomaterial Engineering Research Center of Sichuan University introduced the causes and hazards of articular cartilage damage, and pointed out that the biggest reason for disability of people over 50 years old is due to articular cartilage damage. Cartilage injury has experienced early, middle and late stages, and early intervention can recover to the greatest extent.

At present, the research group led by Professor fan is carrying out related research work on tissue engineering based on cells, biomaterials and growth factors, which is expected to be applied in the field of collagen repair and regeneration in the future.


Professor Zhang Qiqing, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Development and clinical application of collagen based biomaterials and their products

Professor Zhang Qiqing from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences shared that the future of collagen based biomaterials should focus on the development of modification technology to improve the performance of collagen materials, personalized design to achieve precise treatment.

Professor Zhang said that the artificial synthesis of collagen can achieve functional transformation to reduce the immunogenicity of collagen materials and improve the biological safety. Scientific research must be combined with practical application in order to have vitality. The essence of human science is to pursue the final application. Theoretical innovation or basic research should clarify the mechanism and lay the foundation for technological innovation and practical application.


Professor Wang Haibo, Wuhan University of light industry

Report title: research and development of new collagen technology and new products oriented to enterprise demand and helping enterprise development

Professor Wang Haibo of Wuhan University of light industry shared the relevant points for attention in the research and development of new collagen technologies and new products that help enterprises develop.

Before the 1990s, the research focused on the cognitive research of collagen, and after the 1990s, the research focused on the application of collagen on the basis of cognitive research.

The research practice of Wuhan University of light industry collagen team includes the research and application of hybrid fiber recombination, heterologous type I collagen hybrid fiber recombination, and the design and innovation of new materials.


Chen Jiansu, director of Medical School of Jinan University

Report title: tissue engineering cornea with curvature based on cell carrying collagen

Chen Jiansu, director of Medical School of Jinan University, brought the research on collagen base in cornea.

Director Chen Jiansu said that in static and perfusion culture, dense endothelial cells had the best expression effect, and CV collagen membrane was conducive to the construction of corneal epithelial layer and endothelial layer.

In the study, director Chen explored the use of collagen to construct tissue-engineered corneas containing nerves. The team also found that collagen can be used to construct vascular organs, which has a profound impact on clinical diagnosis and treatment as well as precise treatment.


Professor Zhang Zhiyong, Guangzhou Medical University

Report title: clinical transformation of autologous regeneration factor cocktail therapy

Professor Zhang Zhiyong of Guangzhou Medical University pointed out that the pain points of clinical transformation of bone tissue engineering technology include slow timeliness, cumbersome operation, poor efficacy and narrow applicability. Starting from the clinical needs, Professor Zhang's team created the ARF cocktail technology. Through a large number of preclinical studies and clinical studies on the treatment of more than 100 cases of skin injury, it has been proved that the technology has excellent tissue repair activity, rapid wound recovery, less pain, continuous effect and no recurrence, and has the advantages of cost advantage and convenience.


Zhang Guifeng, researcher, Institute of process engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Distribution and dynamic changes of collagen in different tissues

Professor Zhang Guifeng from the Institute of process engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented a report on the distribution and dynamic changes of collagen in different tissues.

Collagen can regulate cell behavior, the content of collagen will change according to its own properties. In addition, collagen interacts with FN, collagen itself interacts, FN interacts with other proteins, which forms the human protein interaction network.


Liang Jie, director of Sichuan Instrument biomaterials and products inspection center

Report title: quality evaluation of collagen based biomaterials based on new biological standards

Liang Jie, director of Sichuan Instrument biomaterials and products inspection center, said that the collagen industry is developing rapidly and mature, but there are still many problems in standards.

The classification and characteristics of collagen based biomaterials determine that the quality control of collagen based biomaterials needs full cycle evaluation and risk control. The full cycle quality control evaluation includes material control, end product control, virus removal or inactivation process, packaging and sterilization confirmation, product shelf life, etc., and raw material control is the primary factor to ensure the quality.


Xu liming, director of China Academy of food and drug control

Report title: expert consensus and standardization of medical collagen

Xu liming, director of China Institute for food and drug control, introduced in detail the efforts made by the state to standardize collagen.

The work plan of collagen standardization includes: the publication of technical consensus on the characterization and quality evaluation of medical collagen products, the development plan of collagen related standards, and the development plan of collagen related reference materials.

From 2020 to 2025, 29 industry standards and 1 national standard will be established. The preparation and collection of collagen standards for quantification and identification of collagen are also in steady progress.


Guo Changliang, technical evaluation expert of BSI

Report title: trends of international supervision on high risk medical devices of animal origin and regulatory barriers in the process of internationalization of Chinese Enterprises

Guo Changliang, a technical evaluation expert of BSI, said that many Chinese enterprises will encounter various registration problems in the process of going abroad and going to the world.

Guo Changliang believes that there are many advantages in accepting the challenge of international registration, which enables enterprises to have advanced concepts and knowledge, improve product quality and international competitiveness, standardize the system, operate more efficiently, and positively PK foreign products in the international battlefield, which is an essential process of enterprise internationalization.


Zhu Shihui, chief physician of Changhai Hospital Affiliated to Naval Military Medical University

The role of collagen in wound scar repair

From the perspective of clinical application, Professor Zhu Shihui, chief physician of Changhai Hospital Affiliated to Naval Military Medical University, thinks that prevention should be the first and treatment the second.

The report points out that collagen is an important member of biodegradable biomaterials and has many applications in clinical treatment, especially in wound and scar repair. Professor Zhu is inspired by the different proportion of collagen type I and type III collagen from fetal wound and adult wound. The hydrogel prepared by recombinant collagen type III has been proved to have excellent wound healing effect and effective reduction of scar formation by clinical studies.


Professor Dan Weihua, Sichuan University

Report title: Theory and practice of collagen based biomedical materials research and development

Professor Dan Weihua of Sichuan University shared the theory and practice of collagen and its multilayer aggregate biomaterials.

However, the professor proposed the concept of "multi-layer collagen aggregates", whose structure determines the performance. The advantages of the mechanical properties, biodegradation properties, hemostatic properties, cell compatibility and other key medical properties of the collagen aggregates with higher structural levels are more significant than those of collagen.

The key technologies in the preparation of collagen and its multilayer aggregates were shared, including the bulk purification of animal skin / tendon and the fluffy technology of high-level collagen aggregates. The theory of "functional scale crosslinking" was proposed to maintain the collagen activity and improve the stability.


General manager of Shanghai Lejin Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd

Report title: introduction of cattle and collagen from Australia and New Zealand

Qiang Wei, general manager of Shanghai Lejin Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., introduced the main collagen products produced by collagen solution company in Australia and New Zealand, as well as their preparation process, detection indexes and supervision system.

Collagen solution's collagen collection process conforms to ISO standard, and its GMP production workshop conforms to standard process. It has obtained ISO 13485 system certificate and EU EDQM certification. The main detection items of the final product include pH value, collagen concentration, microbial limit and bacterial endotoxin, etc., and the indicators are in line with ISO standards. The company through the necessary assessment to reduce risk, strict supervision process to ensure the excellent quality of products.


Li Yiheng, manager of Guangzhou chuang'er Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Report title: sharing of operation strategy and verification points of animal derived medical device system

Li Yiheng, manager of Guangzhou Chuang Er Biotechnology Co., Ltd., shared with us the definition of animal derived medical devices and the main relevant regulations and standards.

Recently, China has issued a series of laws and regulations concerning animal derived medical devices, standardizing the process of design and development, procurement, production and quality control of related products, and emphasizes the authenticity verification in the registration system verification.

For animal derived medical devices, the key points of quality management system verification include source control of animal source materials, production process control, quality control, change management, etc. Through the establishment of system team and self-examination and rectification, the system can be effectively maintained in good operation.




After the keynote speech, the forum held a special discussion,

On the topic of "new trends, new opportunities and new challenges facing the collagen industry under the new situation", experts on the stage and the audience had a warm interaction and exchange, resulting in a lot of new ideas and ideas under the collision of ideas and views.

The discussion also included the application of new technologies in the collagen industry,

New opportunities for collagen industry brought by industrial development,

And the development direction of collagen industry,

How to promote tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and cell therapy

And new challenges in skin management.


So far, the two-day Seventh National Congress

The academic forum of medical collagen industry came to an end.

The collagen industry has a long history,

Industries with a lot of inheritable wealth,

At the same time, it is a dynamic and innovative industry.

As an annual national exchange platform for collagen industry, the information, sparks and wisdom gathered here will effectively promote the inheritance and innovation of the industry,

Contribute to the sustainable and healthy development of the industry!