Company Media

Notice on fake chuangfukang collagen dressing



Chuangfukang collagen dressing has been on the market for 15 years, and has become a trusted brand for skin repair of consumers. Recently, counterfeit chuangfukang collagen dressing has been found in the market, which seriously infringes on the interests of consumers.

In order to avoid being cheated by the majority of consumers, we hereby issue the "guide to the identification of true and false", please enter the following special page to check.


True and false identification guide

1、 [identification of outer package]

1. Front of packing box

① Color difference

Genuine: the color of "trauer" in the lower right corner is light gray;

Imitation: the color of English font is dark.


2. Back of box

① Anti counterfeiting mark coating position

Genuine: light silver grey

Imitation: dark silver grey






③ Sealer

Genuine: the color is dark, the logo and font in the middle are bigger, and the outer ring of the sealing paste is Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Imitation: light color, small logo and font in the middle. The error of English letters and punctuation marks on the outer ring of the sealing paste is Biotechnology Co., Ltd


3. Front of small bag

① Printing information

Authentic: the font is thick, and the space between characters is uneven

Imitation: the font is thin, and the space between the characters is smooth.


4. Back of small bag

① Printing information

Genuine: there are dents, and the width of dents is larger.

Imitation: smooth

② Pattern thickness

Genuine product: high precision, clearer, fine line

Imitation: fuzzy, thick lines





2、 [anti counterfeiting inquiry]

Check the authenticity of special anti-counterfeiting code official website

2-step anti-counterfeiting, easy and convenient:

1. Scrape off the anti-counterfeiting label coating of the product packaging box to obtain the anti-counterfeiting code;

2. search WeChat in the "Chuang Fukang", pay attention to the official account entry, click on the menu bar "authentic authenticity", enter the anti-counterfeiting code to query (as shown).




Warm reminder: at present, the collagen dressing with batch number 1190110a in circulation on the market has been counterfeit. Please pay special attention to this batch of products!

Guarantee of authentic products and identify official channels

In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers and prevent the purchase of counterfeit and shoddy products, we hereby appeal to consumers to purchase authentic products through formal official authorized channels. The following are official channels:

1. Regular hospitals (public and private hospitals with formal authorization)

2. Chain drugstores (such as Da Shenlin, Haiwang Xingchen, Jianmin medicine, baozhilin, etc.)

3. Official e-commerce flagship stores: tmall Chuang Fukang flagship store, Jingdong Chuang Fukang official flagship store, xiaohongshu Chuang Fukang official flagship store

4. Official wechat Mall: cloud skin care

More information can be found on the official website For enquiries, or call the official customer service hotline: 020-32293190.