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Professor Wang Haibo of Wuhan University of light industry visited chuang'er biological guidance exchange


Recently, Professor Wang Haibo and Associate Professor Wei benmei from the school of chemistry and environmental engineering of Wuhan University of light industry visited our company for guidance and exchange. Tong Gang, chairman of chuang'er biology, Luo Sishi, deputy general manager, Lei Jing, director of medical device research and development center, as well as enterprise representatives from R & D and technical departments, attended the exchange and discussion.

The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the common problems in the collagen industry, the development and application of new products, and the industry development trends. Professor Wang Haibo highly appreciated the achievements made by chuang'er bio in the field of medical collagen and its contribution to promoting the development of industry exchanges. Meanwhile, he pointed out that compared with foreign leading enterprises, domestic collagen production enterprises lack basic research on production process, which makes it difficult to accurately control raw material quality, improve production automation and production capacity, and develop innovative products As a scientific research institute, it should give full play to its academic background and technical advantages, take the enterprise demand as the guidance, carry out the basic research which is beneficial to the industrial development, and support the enterprise to improve the technical level. Tong Gang, chairman of the board, agreed with Professor Wang's views, and said that chuang'er biology is open to cooperation with industry organizations, and expects to improve the technical level and innovation ability of the enterprise through cooperation. The technical advantages of Professor Wang's team in the field of basic research match the industrial demand of the enterprise; on the other hand, the company always takes promoting the common development of the industry as an enterprise Through the cooperation of industry, University and research, it is expected to improve the cognition of collagen performance, process control and mechanism, promote the establishment of relevant quality standards and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Through careful exchanges, the two sides reached a preliminary intention for further cooperation. In the future, the two sides will continue to explore the possibility of cooperation in research and development of natural products such as collagen, development and application of medical products, Co Construction of platforms and joint training of talents.

Prof. Wang Haibo of Wuhan University of light industry

For many years, the research group has focused on the research of collagen and other natural biomaterials, and comprehensively applied the discipline ideas and technical means of chemistry, chemical engineering, materials, medicine and food science, focusing on the fine structure analysis, molecular behavior tracing, structure-activity mechanism interpretation, structural functional modification research and novel product creation of natural biomaterials , functional food, cosmetics and other industries to expand and extend the application of new ideas, new processes and new products. Relying on the discipline platforms of Wuhan "research center of agricultural and sideline resources recycling and new product development engineering technology", "Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of agricultural products deep processing", the research group has formed a research team with stable research direction and distinctive characteristics.

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